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 An apple a day



The US Dept of Agriculture approves a genetically modified apple that doesn’t brown when cut open or bruised.

The apple has been cleared to be grown in the U.S.


But will this apple give us glowing health or a graveyard "express pass"? HOY  Posted Feb 19, 2015












New Dietary Guidelines Reverse Flawed Recommendations on Cholesterol


Limitations for cholesterol will likely be removed from the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans; overconsumption of dietary cholesterol is now cited as being of no concern.  Finally, some good "food" news for us foodies...   HOY Feb 28. 2015














Regular coffee drinkers have 'cleaner' arteries


Drinking a few cups of coffee a day may help people avoid clogged arteries - a known risk factor for heart disease - Korean researchers believe.


And aslo good news for us caffeine junkies.   HOY March 02, 2015









 Your Microbiome - A Key Factor In Determining Health and Longevity


Mounting research suggests that your microbiome - colonies of bacteria, viruses, and other microbes living in your gut—may be one of the preeminent factors determining your health and longevity.   


It has been said that most humans will consume a truckload of dirt during his/her lifetime; maybe bacteria are not always the scourge we make them out to be! This is quite a far cry from the modern pitch to use "microbiological" hand soaps, surface cleansers, mouth washes, etc." We are bombarded with information daily regarding the horrors of bacteria and little do we know that the food we eat is killing all the "good" bacteria that forms naturally inside of our bodies!    * the above picture is a home-made batch of "kimchee" a fermented "part-pickle, part-ketchup and part-recipe" ingredient that packs a powerful body punch to recipies and a potent boost to your metabolism!  HOY March 09, 2015













Raw Milk   - Does it get a raw deal?


An entire section of the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) website is devoted to warning Americans about the “dangers” of raw milk; it states that more than 1,500 people in the US became sick from raw milk from 1993 to 2006. This is just over 115 people per year, on average… in a country were 9 million people get sick from foodborne illness annually.


Is it possible to get sick from drinking raw milk? Yes, but in fact, *"you’re far more likely to be infected with a foodborne illness when eating any number of foods other than high-quality raw milk". *source - Dr.   HOY March 10, 2015










A History of Major Flu pandemics


Each year, flu epidemics kill 250,000-500,000 people and cause severe illness in 3 to 5 million individuals.


As if we don't have enough things to worry about already!    HOY March 11, 2015









Teenage Pot Users Show Poor Long-Term Memory as Adults


Young adults who smoked marijuana every day for three years during their teen years have an oddly shaped hippocampus and performed poorly on long-term memory tasks, according to a new study published in Hippocampus this week.  HOY March 15, 2015











Although most Americans (including those who serve in government) are unawareof it, genetically engineered foods are on the market only because the U.S. Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) has covered up the warnings of its own scientists,misrepresented the facts, and violated explicit mandates of U.S. law. (source: "Altered Genes, Twisted Truths" by Steven M. Druker, J.D., Executive Director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity)   HOY March 15, 2015



























A longtime American e-friend of mine discusses the problems of aging and long term care. Dana just turned 60, is in great health, still working and very fortunate.  What about us Canucks?  Note the steady upward trend of our aging population in the chart above!  HOY March 15, 2015
















Seeking The Facts On Medical Marijuana


Medical marijuana has been legal in Canada for 16 years, and Dr. Ware, a practicing physician, studies how his patients take the drug and under what conditions it is effective.   Further Reading: Viewpoints in Pain Management: Cannabinoids    HOY March 24, 2015


















Super Juice Me! The Big Juice Experiment




"The best way to treat disease is simply with high quality nutrition." Jason Vale - Author, motivational speaker and life-style coach


What happens when you put 8 people with 22 different health conditions on nothing but freshly extracted juice for 28-Days? Number 1 best-selling health author, Jason Vale, found out in this incredibly moving, inspiring and ground-breaking documentary…the results may surprise you!   "The best way to treat disease is simply with high quality nutrition." Jason Vale    HOY April 15, 2015





Eat Local Grown


The eatlocalgrown project is a crowd-sourced community driven tool that helps you find, rate and share locally grown food.


There are categories for organic foods, local farms, farmers markets, restaurants, grocery stores, co-ops and artisans such as butchers and cheese makers.


Nice site with excellent search app! You can find local farmer's markets and organic growers in Canada and the USA. You can even rate local producers or add one you frequest if not listed. Small businesses can add their own listing if their organic farm, small business or local market is not presently listed!    HOY April 16, 2015 













Bud Light beer slogan backfires, brand apologises


A slogan promising Bud Light beer was perfect for "removing 'no' from your vocabulary for the night" has misfired badly and led to an apology from the owner of the brand. The slogan caused a social media storm, with many people pointing out links between alcohol and rape.


Bud Light brand owner Anherser-Busch leapt in to try to limit the damage, apologising and promising the tag line would not be printed on any more bottles... Boston University advertising professor Edward Boches said it was "beyond belief to me that a mainstream brand could be so tuned out to cultural trends and important topical news issues," adding "that they could not see the connection between saying 'no' and the ability to resist unwanted sexual advances".


Professor Boches states it quite well... "beyond belief"... I would love to have been in the "Bud" boardroom when this ad was pitched... just to see and hear those great (and very well-paid minds at work... WOW what a bunch of morons!   HOY May 01, 2015


























Coffee Facts - Things You Didn't Know About Your Favorite Morning Beverage


Coffee is one of the most popular beverages on the planet (sorry, France and Germany aka wine & beer fanatics) -- but despite its popularity, most people don't know very much about what they're drinking every morning.   HOY May 11, 2015
























World's Best Beer Brewers


The top 100 brewers in the world, presented by top 10 and country of origin reflecting the top performing brewers of over 19,000 listed at        


Cheers and kudos to Quebec's own... Dieu du Ciel Microbrewery a top ten world brewer; one of the best of many amazing Canadian beers to savor and enjoy!     HOY May 13, 2015


















Is coffee good for you? Will sausages kill you? Should you avoid sugar, fat, salt, or all three? Booked your smear test yet? Checked your balls?

Considering bariatric surgery? Are you taking statins like a good boy or girl? ... Or should you just ignore this relentless bombardment of medical advice and remember that no one gets out of life alive. With the same brilliance and humour that bowled us over in "The Great Cholesterol Con", Dr Kendrick takes a scalpel to the world of medical research and dissects it for your inspection. He reveals the tricks that are played to make minute risk look enormous. How the drug trials are hyped, the data manipulated, the endless games that are played to scare us into doing what, in many cases, makes the most money. After reading this book you will know what to believe and what to ignore. You'll have a much greater understanding of the world of medical research. A world in crisis. “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” Dr. Marcia Angell.

























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