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You and Your Money... or Lack Of


One should always keep up with what's happening in the world of finance as you may decide to start a small business, invest in the stock market or save for a rainy day. You could even end up having a windfall drop into your lap or the great-aunt you haven't seen is 20 years ends up leaving you a small fortune in her will... the first step is to take stock of what you have or don't know you have sitting on the plus side of your personal financial ledger. For us Canuks, a good place to start is here... $$$ Unclaimed Funds $$$     Posted by HOY Feb 28, 2015


Of course, if you're actually a "dragon" at heart and have a bit of luck you could just sue your boss and win the lottery (sort of)... it happens although it may require a lot of patience not to mention nerves of steel... Scotia Bank and *David Berry Settle Suit    Posted by HOY Feb 28, 2015


* For those astute enough to have previously read our "About-Home" page and know our editorial team by name, I forwarn not contact CozBerHoy asking Dave for a loan, thinking we are now flush to the nines as this "David Berry" is not our David Berry... at least he swears repeatedly when we ask, that it's not him!   HOY Feb 28, 2015




The World's 10 Richest People


David Berry did not make this list! This is a very exclusive group that only 1% of the 1% belong to! HOY March 03, 2015





Oil Price War


For those hoping that the recent run-up in oil prices means the end of Western Canada’s economic pain, the International Energy Agency has bad news: The oil price war isn’t over... not by a long shot.   HOY May 14, 2015

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